Cenforce 100: Enhancement Supplement for men

What is Cenforce 100?

Cenforce 100 is used to temporarily cure erectile dysfunction in men. It contains the ingredient known as Sildenafil citrate which is a PDE-5 inhibitor. Every year millions of men get affected by erectile dysfunction. Doctors prescribe Cenforce 100 to a majority of their ED patients. This medicine can work wonders if taken the right way. 

Cenforce 100 is manufactured by Centurion laboratories. It is an FDA-approved drug and is completely safe for consumption. Men who lose their sex lives due to erectile dysfunction take this medicine and give positive reviews. It has helped many couples in achieving maximum satisfaction.

How does Cenforce 100 work?

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder that makes the penis flaccid and insensitive. When it is stimulated, it does not respond in any way which eventually causes the inability to have sex. Cenforce works to solve this issue. The working of this medicine is mainly dependent on its active ingredient, Sildenafil. Sildenafil being a PDE- inhibitor, inhibits the action of the PDE – 5 enzyme. It then works in the following manner:

  • It relaxes the blood vessels in the body and penis.
  • It then stimulates blood flow into the penis.
  • The flow of blood makes the penis responsive to touch or stimulation. Hence, when it is sexually stimulated, it tends to become erect.

How long does Cenforce 100 take to work?
After consumption, Cenforce 100 usually takes 30-60 minutes to start working. The effect of this medicine peaks at one hour, so you must make sure to take this medicine at least 60 minutes before intercourse. 

The effect of this medicine can last for up to 4-6 hours. This duration is enough for multiple rounds of intercourse. If you are a heavy drinker or smoker, the medicine may take longer to work and even become ineffective. 

How should Cenforce 100 be taken?

You can ask your doctor for the best instruction for taking this medicine. According to general belief, this medicine has to be swallowed whole. 

It should not be broken or crushed before consumption. It should also not be taken with other fluids like alcohol or grapefruit juice. These drinks have the tendency to react negatively to the medicine and cause severe health complications.

How to buy Cenforce 100?

Cenforce 100 is an easily accessible drug. It is available at all nearby medical stores and pharmacies. You must check the label before buying this medicine. There are some duplicate medicines circulating in the market that contain substitute ingredients and can have adverse effects on your health. 

You can buy this medicine online as well if you prefer privacy or doorstep delivery. Many pharmaceutical websites offer to deliver this medicine to your home at reasonable prices. You can also compare prices from different websites and find the best price. 

You can also avail great discounts from these websites. They offer doorstep delivery within 6-15 days after you place your order. But you must beware of fraud websites and check the authenticity carefully.

What are the storage conditions for Cenforce 100?

Cenforce 200 must be stored in a cool and dry place. The most favorable temperatures are the ones ranging between 14-35 degrees Celsius. 

You must keep this medicine away from moist atmospheres as it can make the medicine ineffective. You must also keep this medicine out of the reach of pets and children.

Does cenforce 100 cause any side effects?

Side effects are extremely uncommon but can still occur due to an allergy or drug interaction. They can also be a result of a drug overdose. These may include:

  • Headache
  • High blood pressure
  • Breathlessness
  • Blurred vision
  • Joint pain
  • Swollen skin
  • Loss of vision (in critical circumstances)
  • Stomach ache
  • Pain in the Chest
  • Appearance of Sores
  • Itching

To avoid these side effects, you can take the following precautions:

  • Check for any history of allergic reactions to ED medications.
  • Do not buy this medicine from any unauthorized store or person.
  • Do not take this medicine with medicines containing nitrates.
  • Do not take this medicine if you take medicines for chest pain.
  • Take only one pill per day.
  • Avoid alcohol and grapefruit juice with this medicine.