Tips to Diffuse Essential Oil Without Harming your Cat

Is it good to use essential oils with cats? There are many posts on social media and online that say using essential oils around your cat can be toxic and dangerous for them. It is vital to be aware of the fact that whether using essential oils around cats is safe or not. According to research, it is discovered that essential oils can be harmful to cats as they do not contain those enzymes to break down and metabolize them, and if they are utilized in a wrong manner or over a long period they could even result in fatal consequences. Also, the way a cat metabolizes essential oil is different from that of a dog or any other animal species. According to the study and experiments, it is widely said that a usual person must not use essential oils in the presence of their pets, neither diluted nor undiluted forms, unless they are an aromatherapist. Cats are unique, they do not have a whole lot of metabolizing enzymes in their liver unlike other animals, which is why they are more vulnerable to toxins. Though there are multiple advantages associated with essential oil, it is vital to follow certain guidelines to make sure that diffusing essential oils must not be of harm to your cats.

Tips to Diffuse Essential Oil without harming your cat

  1. It is advisable to avoid using a diffuser for a long period to control the risk that oil droplets could get onto the fur. The common symptoms for cats exposed to essential oils are-drooling, coughing, and sneezing.
  2. Use less quantity of essential oils in a diffuser as they would not cause harm to the cats. Only 3 to 5 drops are sufficient for 2 to 4 hours.
  3. It is vital to use essential oil diffusers in well-ventilated rooms with fresh air circulation so that the cat could leave the area conveniently when the essential oil is diffused in the air.
  4. Avoid using these essential oils Basil, birch, clove, hyssop, oregano, pennyroyal, savory, tansy, tarragon, tea tree, thuja, and wintergreen, these essential oils are toxic for cats.
  5. It is important to read the cat’s response to the aromas and not forcibly use them if they don’t like them. 
  6. Also, if essential oils are utilized in the right manner, they can benefit cats physically and behaviorally.
  7. Also, cats must not touch essential oils accidentally, as that can create a harmful impact on cats. She must not accidentally lick essential oil also, as that can produce severe harmful effects.
  8. Aromatherapists suggest that cats usually prefer to work with one oil at a time, unlike other animal species, where two or more are offered to the nostrils for choosing purpose or support.
  9. It is vital to make sure that you do not keep the diffusers on the entire day when the cats are around.
  10. If you are using a diffuser in an enclosed space, make sure that you are not using more than 30 mins, when the cat is around.
  11. When the cat exhibits the following reactions, they are signs that the oils are required at that time and that should move onto other oil no reaction, running away and the sudden turning of the head. 

Essential oils come with a plethora of benefits, but it is vital to keep these guidelines while using these oils to make sure that your cat would not get affected unnecessarily, it is important to protect them. While you can choose a high-quality oil from Young Living Essential Oils, you should follow this guide if you have a furry friend.