Why to Use Afatinib For Hair Loss

Many people ask us the question: Why is Afatinib (FXA) like BIBW2992 better than Propecia (GHD), Rogaine (R) or Diettrane (DietTran)? We get this question from many of our clients that have tried one or more of the above-mentioned hair loss products and are finding the results disappointing. We also get questions like: Do you need a prescription to use Afatinib? Can I make it at home? Will it work for chronic hair loss?

The answer is simple: Afinilib is an FDA approved hair growth product that has been designed to treat women who have androgenic alopecia. It acts by increasing the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in your scalp, which in turn will block the formation of the hormones that cause hair loss. Since most hair loss and thinning occur in the phase of hair growth called the anagen phase, it makes sense that an ingredient that works in this phase would be effective for hair loss as well. In addition to being FDA approved, it has also been found to increase hair growth by 50{cae0d4aa2272560b1ec9c01ba5688d28def9672d676b47ca48dd2af67a4bd498}.

Many of our clients ask us the question: Why is Afatinib (FXA) better than other hair growth treatments? The primary reason is that it is one of the few hair growth products that has been scientifically tested and clinically proven to work in treating women with hair loss. For years it was believed by many researchers that the only way to treat women with androgenic alopecia (pattern baldness) was to treat their underlying hormonal imbalance, which is usually corrected with birth control pills, hormonal injections and topical solutions such as Rogaine. However, despite its success and wide-ranging application, Rogaine has been found to be less effective in treating women’s pattern baldness, and to have potentially harmful effects.

Rogaine, like most hair loss drugs, can cause a significant range of effects, some mild and some severe. Women who use Rogaine often experience nausea, mood swings, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, blurred vision, irregular heartbeats, muscle weakness and hair loss. And although there are no clinical studies directly linking hair growth supplements to an increased risk of contracting breast cancer, Rogaine was recently found to contain an ingredient (minoxidil) that may raise the risk of contracting the disease.

Unlike Rogaine, another FDA-approved hair growth treatment called Provillus is designed to treat both men and women with hair loss and is designed to stimulate new hair growth. Unlike Rogaine, Provillus is available without a prescription and comes in both oral and topical forms. Provillus contains the same FDA-approved ingredient (Minoxidil) that is in Rogaine, but in lesser quantities. This means that there are no added health risks or unpleasant effects associated with using Provillus.

If you’re a man with hair loss, it’s important to remember that there are many treatment options available for men and women alike. Why not consider one of these options? It may help. But whatever treatment you choose, don’t forget – there’s a human resources company out there waiting to help you! You can view here for more information.